How to register with your local GP To obtain healthcare from an NHS GP (General Practitioner) you need to be registered with a practice. In this post learn how you can register with your local GP. Registering with your local GP surgery is an easy process, but there are some considerations to make. Listen below […]
Tag: NHS
Nikki Kanani interview with eGPlearning Podblast Watch/listen to Andy and Gandhi as they talk with Nikki Kanani (Act Director of Primary Care for NHS England) about primary care networks (PCNs), social media, tech in healthcare and boardgames..this is a must watch/listen episode. ? Subscribe: ? Shout out to Ben Gowland of The General Practice […]
Watch the NHS Long term plan- Primary Care and Health Tech News Blast, covering: the #10YLTP (#NHSLongTermPlan ) 5 year GP training pilots a GP being hit in the stomach with a crossbow drug shortages including my challenge to @MattHancock et al and more Hello eGPlearners, in this news update- covering the big stories for […]
eGPlearning Podblast – NHS app Hi #eGPlearners eGPlearning Podblast is a health tech talk by two Nottingham based GPs covering recent topics, useful clinical apps, and interviews with primary care health tech innovators. Hosted by Dr Hussain Gandhi (@drGandalf52) and Dr Andrew Foster (@drawfoster). eGPlearning PodBlast – Introducing the NHS App Welcome to our deep dive episode […]
Recently I was asked to explain to a patient by one of our reception staff why GPs run late. I normally use the analogy of catching a train to explain both why doctors run late with appointments, and why it is important for patients to attend on time. Our team found it helpful to […]
Welcome to the eGPlearning Podblast episode 3. Firstly: belated Merry Christmas from Andy and Gandhi eGPlearning Podblast is a health tech talk by two Nottingham based GPs covering recent topics, useful clinical apps, and interviews with primary care health tech innovators. Hosted by myself Dr Hussain Gandhi (@drGandalf52) owner of eGPlearning and Dr Andrew Foster […]
When author Jamie Susskind (@jamiesusskind) found himself in hospital after an injury, he decided to document the experience. What follows is an #Awesome storify feed from @jamiesusskind about his experience in an NHS hospital following an arm injury. I particularly found his jovial attitude, respect for the work being done and recognition of process vs […]
NHS data security information and simple solutions. On 12.05.2017 the NHS was victim to the largest cyber attack to date, a clear breach of NHS data security systems and process. The result was mass closures of practices, and marked delays in secondary care and emergency departments. While this was a malicious act, there are some […]