Listed below are some of the organisations that exist to support doctors of GPs currently in working practice:
CPD Support: Wherever you are there are bound to be local support groups established, aimed at peer support and CPD, whether principal, salaried or sessional, these can be a valuable resource in the big wide world of GP.
For online medico-political support and work on tackling the challenges in as a GP I suggest joining GP Survival either at their website or via their Facebook group with over 6k GP only members.
For support in non clinical aspects of being a GP/ working in primary care have a look at an excellent group call Resilient GP with over 8k members.
For online clinical support look towards Tiko’s GP group: an online Facebook support group for GPs. I highly recommend joining and interacting with this 5k+ GPs
Also for support using clinical systems like Systm One, I would suggest joining the S1 FBUG which give a useful group to explore and innovate.
For all the above groups please note they will ask for details on joining re location of work/ GMC registration. Have a look at their entry methods.
For the trainees out there, there is a dedicated committee for your needs via the RCGP. Easily accessible via the AiT site, do contact your regional AiT committee representative for any problems
LMC: (Local Medical Council) Your local group designed to represent and support GPs especially with regards to the local issues. It is highly recommended to at least know who your local rep is.
NASGP: (National Association of Sessional GPs) Provides support and information for local Sessional GPs and groups; progress on superannuation, education, career development and rates; and more! Of particular interest is a guideline with handling complaints in primary care particularly with sessional GPs found here
BMA: British Medical Association- existing as a support group for all doctors A good forum for all doctors, with great advice listed and links for all aspects of medical life.
DOI- Dr Hussain Gandhi who owns this website is also treasurer of GP Survival and owner of S1 FBUG.