Neurology and Mental health

Oh my head!!!


SIGN have a good resource in terms of diagnosis and management of headache. Here is the quick reference guide.

Neural pathways can be confusing, a portable version is 3D Brain an iOS app for the iPad and iPhone.

Depression: can be a challenge, here are some online resources that may help in those tough spots:

Living life to the full is a versatile online CBT resource

MoodGYM is a similar resource even supported by NICE. I also find Big white wall and Quell (by the people who run Kooth) are really useful patient orientated systems.

For personal recommendations, try  Headspace as a mindfulness/ CBT app. Useful for both patients, and actually clinicians as there are discounted rates for BMA members.

Poor sleep is linked with poor health, particularly poor mental health. I find Sleepio an excellent website/ app to help patients as it gives targeted sleep hygiene advice. There is a paid for section which links with CBT for insomnia (most effective treatment for long-term sleep issues) but the initial part is free to use and very helpful.

For the more difficult aspect of switching antidepressants, try the excellent resource from MIMS, unfortunately, it is behind a paywall.

Alternately a handy resource is this wiki called Psychiatrinet. Maintained by pharmacists and psychiatrists it is a comprehensive guide to how to switch a variety of antidepressants and antipsychotics with cautions for relevant situations. Truly a useful primary care resource. However best viewed in Google Chrome as you may need the auto-translate function.

Substance misuse, particularly alcohol, make managing mental health difficulties.

SMMGP is a great place for forums, relevant NICE and RCGP guidance, e-learning modules, links to a suite of RCGP drug, alcohol and Hepatitis B and C certificate courses

Additionally, here are two resources to use as brief interventions
Tips for sensible drinking
Tips for cutting down
Learning difficulties: can be very challenging.

A helpful resource is Scope with health resource links tailored to those with learning difficulties.

While often parents may have explored the site prior to diagnosis, the National Autistic society can be a truly helpful resource