Apps for GPs

Apps for GPs

There are a variety of applications that can be used in your normal working day. Here is a sample of some of the ones I have found useful for GP work.

Firstly a little shameless advertising. For reviews of all the latest apps or sites that may be useful to you subscribe to the eGPlearning TipThursday tag or on Youtube for regular weekly updates.


Evernote: a great free notepad app that can be used as a stop gap to your appraisal and revalidation eportfolio. Great for taking notes, photos and videos to link to your CPD work. If you need higher storage limits these can be paid for. Available on most platforms.

Flipboard: A great way to bring RSS feeds and articles into an attractive reading format, like creating your own personalised journal. On iOS and Android

Tweetcaster: My personal choice of twitter interaction. On iOS and Android.

Goodreader: This is an excellent pdf reader/adapter/ anything. Great if you do a lot of reading and management/ academic work. On iOS.


BNF: now has an open free app if you have an NHS mail account or Athens password. The pharmacology bible on your phone for free. Yes, please. On iOS andAndroid.

MIMMs: as far as a drug guidance app goes, although the BNF application is more well known, this app is of equal quality and depth of information. On iOS and Android.

Epocrates: a combination of MIMMS with a medical calculator. Free to use , though it is a large download. Available on most platforms.

MedCalc: a collection of medical calculator programmes in one. Available in iOS.

VisualDX: a great dermatology app that can be used for just comparing rashes, or even as a differential diagnosis aid. It does have a reasonable cost with it, although less than a dermatology course. On iOS and Android.

Optician: A nice app to use to assess visual acuity with a good Amsler grid. No replacement for an actual Snellen chart, but useful in a pinch.

Pocket CPR: a CPR guidance app offering real-time feedback and an audible metronome. On iOS and Android.

3D Brain: as it sounds, a great app to help understand neurology. Available on iOS

Patient support:

Headspace– a great app to help with mindfulness and managing mental health. Free for a short period of time (10 days at time of writing).

Smiling Mind– like headspace but designed for younger people. Very well rated, worth a try.


Google translate: not as good as a translator, but it does come close and very useful if language-line is not an option. Available on Android and iOS and through any internet browser.

Google Navigation: if you have an Android phone please download this app. It is a sat-nav for your phone which runs off Google Maps. Makes home visits a doddle.

Vezma: I find this a useful app for tracking mileage especially on visits etc. Pop on location /GPS and use the widgets for quick start and stop. Really useful and exports into a nice table to use for accounts. On iOS, android and others.

If you wish to type faster- my personal recommendation is Keybr. This is a great website that helps you develop the muscle memory of typing in a fun and gamified way.

MoCo: Declare my conflict of interest: I use Morris and Co as my accountants, however, they have created a useful account tracking app that can be used for mileage but also receipts etc. Quite handy, on iOS and android.


Pillboxie: if your patient has an iPhone, get them to use this app. It effortlessly helps them remember when to take medications and more importantly shows them which one to take. Available on iOS.

NHS Direct: have their own app for information for patients. A basic but useful app, which gives medical advice.

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