Education Ramblings Technology

Do you need some Headspace?

Do you need some Headspace? Hi #eGPlearners do you need some Headspace? Working in healthcare whether as a GP, part of the primary care team or in hospitals can be emotionally stressful. There are many ways to manage stress and lately mindfulness is seen as an effective tool to support stress management. But access can be tricky […]


Are video consultations the future of primary care?

Are video consultations the future of primary care? Hi #eGPlearners are video consultations the future of primary care? eGPlearning Podblast is a health tech talk by two Nottingham based GPs covering recent topics, useful clinical apps, and interviews with primary care health tech innovators. Hosted by Dr Hussain Gandhi (@drGandalf52) and Dr Andrew Foster (@drawfoster). eGPLearning Podblast Video […]

Education Ramblings

Should you stand as a GP?

Should you stand as a GP? Sitting is the new smoking. Staying sedentary for several hours a day increases your risk of diabetes. So should you stand as a GP? I remember visiting my GP as a child. Sit in the waiting room normally sullen and low because of yet another episode of tonsillitis. Then […]

Education Ramblings

When should I worry about when my child is unwell?

eGPlearning TipThursday – When should I worry? Hi #eGPlearners Welcome to the weekly showcase of Technology-enhanced primary & learning resources from eGPlearning. When should I worry? This is a common question for parents when looking after an unwell child. In primary care, this can often be a challenge for clinicians to manage due to parental anxiety, […]

Education Ramblings

TipThursday – eGP DRAMA

eGPlearning TipThursday – eGP DRAMA Hi #eGPlearners Welcome to the weekly showcase of Technology-enhanced primary & learning resources from eGPlearning. This week TipThursday covers a resource from the eGPlearning platform –  the eGP DRAMA plan eGP DRAMA (eGPlearning General Practice Disaster Record And Management Action) plan is a fail-safe document used as an adjunct to you […]

Education Ramblings

TipThursday Labtest Online

Labtest Online – The best website to help you understand pathology investigations as a doctor. Hi #eGPlearners Welcome to the weekly showcase of Technology-enhanced primary & learning resources from eGPlearning. This episode covers Labtest Online UK. A collaborative venture that explains in detail clinical aspects of understanding and processing pathology investigations. This information is split by […]

Podblast Ramblings

eGPlearning Podblast Interview- Dr Gandalf

eGPlearning Podblast Interview – Dr Gandalf Hi #eGPlearners eGPlearning Podblast is a health tech talk by two Nottingham based GPs covering recent topics, useful clinical apps, and interviews with primary care health tech innovators. Hosted by Dr Hussain Gandhi (@drGandalf52) and Dr Andrew Foster (@drawfoster). This episode is an interview with one of the eGPlearning Podblast’s founder- […]

Education Ramblings

eGPlearning TipThursday- Live

eGPlearning TipThursday – live Hi #eGPlearners Welcome to the weekly showcase of Technology-enhanced primary & learning resources from eGPlearning. This week I showcase a new system called Live. This app is a dictation service provided by which uses your own personal smartphone as the dictation device and a decent internet connection (3G or […]


Why going for a GP appointment is like catching a train

Recently I was asked to explain to a patient by one of our reception staff why GPs run late. I normally use the analogy of catching a train to explain both why doctors run late with appointments, and why it is important for patients to attend on time.   Our team found it helpful to […]


BabbleOn™ at Satyre Medical Practice – the future of your healthcare

Satyre Medical Practice is happy to announce, that after months of painstaking research, redesign, (and frankly, plagiarism), that we have finally developed the software kit that is going to be acknowledged as the saviour of UK General Practice. The culmination of many years of pioneering study in the field of ArtificialStupidity™ has led us to […]