Are video consultations the future of primary care?
Hi #eGPlearners are video consultations the future of primary care?
eGPlearning Podblast is a health tech talk by two Nottingham based GPs covering recent topics, useful clinical apps, and interviews with primary care health tech innovators.
Hosted by Dr Hussain Gandhi (@drGandalf52) and Dr Andrew Foster (@drawfoster).
eGPLearning Podblast Video Consultations Nov 2018
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Welcome to those watching us on youtube…
We are trying something new we are recording a behind the scenes video as special content for our youtube followers.
Thanks for your feedback and retweets…
@somedocs doctors on social media group – retweeted us- thanks
@annalise2406 – great feedback re the app and iplato
@orcha – app review organisation connected with NHS App Library – kindly retweeted us
@NikkiKF – acting Director of Primary care for NHS England
What have we been doing?
- Andy – New sketch – Dr Damocles
- Gandhi – Pilgrimage – read more on blog post, eGP DRAMA, #TipThursday, RCGP Council Representative – First Meeting
Today main Topic is Video Consultations…
Remember listeners – we are not experts, these are just our opinions
Is there demand?
- Venture capital and investors are putting money behind it so there is believe in the technology and concept from investors.
- @UNHS_Cripps Have experimented with
- @MattHancock (Health Secretary) is a GP at Hand patient and advocate of technology and is behind the concept.
But what problem are we solving?
- Low capacity or convenience?
- Probably more for patient convenience than increase capacity – but maybe if replaces home visits?…
What happens in a typical video consultation?
Gandhi describes his experience of working with Babylon Health @babylonhealth
Discussion of video consultation business models…
Babylon / GP at Hand, LIVI, QDoctor, Push doctor, NOW Healthcare, GPDQ, Zoomdoc (listen to our interview with founder Kenny Livingstone )
What problems do we see with video consultations?
- Reduced continuity?
- Overprescribing of antibiotics? (but discussed later)
- Do video consultations drive an increase in demand? Does making it easier to speak to the GP make people more likely to feel the need to contact their GP?
- Destabilising traditional General Practice Partnership business model?
- Destabilising the Primary Care workforce – pulling GPs that might otherwise work at practices into the “private” sector.
Potential positives of video consultations?
- Does patient spend in the private sector taking pressure off NHS?
- Some patients may self-select away from NHS services to private video providers, leaving NHS to meet needs.
- More options and convenience for patients.
- Options for using as part of innovative systems – perhaps true power comes when part of a system including eTriage, remote monitoring, video consult and face to face?
How can surgeries prepare for video consultations?
Work together with federations, neighbours. Benefits likely to come from handling patients at scale.
Our verdicts… Good or bad?
Thanks for listening – certificate of engagement.
Comments and feedback…
- @DrGandalf52
- @DrAWFoster
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Technology-enhanced primary care & learning
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