Who is DrGandalf?
Have you ever felt that you could enhance your continuous professional development (CPD) learning, so that it was easier to do?
Have you felt you are not using social media or health tech to its full potential?
Have you struggled to manage your productivity – either individually or as part of an organisation?
Many healthcare professionals like doctors, GPs, physicians, nurses and allied health workers could make their lives simpler and easier by using simple tech hacks.
Let me see if I can help you do that.
I am Dr Hussain Gandhi aka DrGandalf
I am a GP partner and trainer at Wellspring Surgery St Anns in Nottingham, England who trains other GPs and medical students.
I am on various social media sites including Twitter, Facebook LinkedIn, Mastodon , TikTok, Instagram and more.
I am the youngest ever Chair of the local RCGP Vale of Trent faculty, and currently sit on the local faculty board. I have also been elected as a National Representative to the RCGP council for 2018-2021.
I am a PCN CD for my local area : @ncepcn.
I am the former treasurer of GPSurvival.
I am a local representative of the Nottinghamshire LMC.
I do health tech consultancy work for organisations such as NCGPA, Connected Nottinghamshire, and other groups. I am currently under an honorary (unpaid) contract with PrimaryCareIT, and am an affiliate partner for KeyQwik and Medics Money.
I am a clinical digital lead for Nottinghamshire ICS.
I am a published author.
I have written multiple paid articles for Pulse, HTN, InnovAiT, BJGP, and other publications. I have also done presentations for various organisations in person and recorded like Red Whale, Arora Med, RCGP, Takeda, and other organisations.
I am a website owner of eGPlearning and DrGandalfGames, and run Boardgame Medics.
I created an app
I run podcasts: eGPlearning Podblast ( the UK’s most popular health tech podcast for primary care) and for the RCGP InnovAiT team
I am a YouTuber!
I run the SystmOne Facebook User Group (S1 FBUG) and the eGPlearning group.
I created a PCN Clinical director course with partners called PCN Plus
I own and run GP5T a training group and conference for Training Trainers to Train Trainees with partners.
I am an affiliate of mTech Access, a company that supports private and NHS engagement including pharma,
I have done paid consultancy and educational work for private companies like GPDQ, GSK, and others.
I hold other roles including trustee of a charity and a minor shareowner in Zoomdoc, Q Doctors, and Digitalis. I also earn via affiliates with various companies of items I use, these are declared in each episode or with #Ad.
I am a self-professed Timelord Istari and tech geek.
I can help.
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