Mdcalc-the best medical calculator?
Hi #eGPlearners
Welcome to the weekly showcase of Technology-enhanced primary & learning resources from eGPlearning.
This week we look at a useful medical calculator app that runs as an app or from the website – MDCalc.
Packed full of useful clinical calculators like Wells score, FeverPain, CURB-65 (interestingly created by a Nottingham UK doctor) and a host of others with easily over 100.
Each calculator comes with details on why you should use them, useful information and pitfalls, links to the evidence of the calculator and outcome information.
This is a detailed and useful app that does not need a data connection to run, so useful in hospitals or GP practices where data signals dare not go.
The only thing lacking is certain calculators like FRAX score for assessing bone health and 6-CIT score for assessing cognition, however similar scores are available.
Check out the video review and feel free to share or leave feedback. If interested download the app here:
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