Managing children can be difficult. For this reason feel free to look at some really useful resources:
For general paediatric advice (Although Nottingham centric) look at this resource produced by Nottingham-based CCGs. Open in a web browser, press ctlr+F to bring up the search and it will allow you to search the document.
Alternately a great blog/ site is Run by Dr Julia Thompson based in London. The PDF updates are handy and a good summary if your PDP is paediatric focussed. As a clinical resource the primary care guidelines section conglomerates guidance from around the country on various health topics. Well worth a read.
When Should I worry is a great resource to share with patients with clear advice on when they should worry about their child, perfect for the cold and flu season, it even has a training module on how to use the leaflet effectively and within your consultations like documenting safety net advice.
The Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health (RCPCH) is a clear resource even for non-members. Of particular note are two sections:
- Clinical guidelines – which includes recent updates on stroke in childhood, physical signs of child sexual abuse, allergy care pathways and many others.
- educational resources – via e-learning. Some are free like disability matters, or paediatric MSK matters, others require access to Compass the RCPCH education platform
For help understanding the risks for children with possible brain tumours, have a look at the Headsmart decision aid tool. A really helpful list of signs and symptoms with guidance on when to reassure, refer, review or scan.
For mental health support, a great website to use is Kooth. An online peer/ professional support site, it uses secure messaging and interfaces to support young adults with mental health support. It is so highly rated that several CCGs have funded access to parts of this site. Do have a look and a valuable resource for our patients.
The RCGP has a wealth of resources for children’s health.
For the younger child look at Child and adolescent page, with a particular focus on safeguarding and spotting the sick child.
For the older child and particularly mental health orientated there are several resources on the Youth Mental health page.
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