
Your faculty- Sam’s Story

My final Chair of RCGP Vale of Trent faculty address to members at the AGM in October 2017.
I hope it shows the service offered by the faculty, the value members have and the impact they can have.

Your faculty – Sam’s Story

I wrote this some weeks ago and it may sound familiar. All I can say is great mind think alike.
I want to tell you about Sam.
Sam is a GP who moved to our area.
At first, Sam found work by asking around and started to connect professionally with practices. But at times Sam felt isolated. Sam was busy with family life and at times struggled to find local events and courses to participate in.
Sam was a member of the RCGP but was unsure why. The membership felt steep and of little benefit to Sam. However instead of canceling membership, Sam had a look at the RCGP website and on the local faculty section found out about Jazz social that had just happened in the faculty. Sam read about an upcoming GP networking event in the faculty and decided to stay a member and attend. 

Through the contacts made at the GP networking event, Sam was able to find a job at a local practice and also explore an interest in sports medicine.
Ten months later at Sam’s appraisal, it was recommended Sam look at further skills to enhance Sam’s portfolio of abilities. Looking on the faculty website Sam found a joint injection course that was nearby,  which meant Sam would still be able to pick up the children from school. Sam continued being a member of the faculty.
Sam became a partner at the practice and they later needed to recruit. Through the regular ebulletin, Sam had seen an advert for a job networking event with newly qualified GPs. Sam attended for the practice and as a result, they found a new salaried GP and have the contact details of several GPs looking for locum work.
Sam saw a headline about the Chair of the RCGP taking photo opportunities with the Secretary of State for Health, and they were smiling. Sam felt angry. Angry at the impact the Government had on patients, the practice and the sacrifices in Sam’s life. Sam contacted the faculty chair to ask why anyone should remain a member.
The faculty chair discussed the matter openly and invited Sam to come see the RCGP Chair speak at a local event planned in a few weeks. Sam couldn’t attend because of the children, but the faculty was able to live stream the event on Facebook so Sam was able to see past the headlines of the story. Sam remained a member and spoke with the helpful administrator about joining the faculty board,  after seeing the work the faculty had been doing for Sam’s benefit.
Many of you probably know Sam. Some of you may be Sam.
Sam at times, needed help and support. Sam’s faculty provided that.
Your faculty provides that.
Your faculty provides education.
Your faculty provides support.
Your faculty provides innovation.
Your faculty provides diversity.
It is your faculty. And it is as strong as you, its members.

Dr Hussain Gandhi
m: .
a: Nottingham UK
w:  e: [email protected]
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