eGPlearning Podblast – Digitalis and Kardia Alivecor
Hi #eGPlearners
The eGPlearning Podblast is the UKs leading primary care focused health tech podcast which is co-hosted by two Nottingham based GPs- Dr Hussain Gandhi (@drGandalf52) and Dr Andrew Foster (@drawfoster).
The podcast explores many topical areas of health technology and applications and challenges that technology can create in primary care.
We also regularly interview leading health tech individuals to explore their journey and innovations.
This episode we review two atrial fibrillation (AF) themed apps – Digitalis and Kardia Alivecor including our first ever on air unboxing and review.
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eGPLearning PodBlast Digitalis & AliveCor Apps
Show Notes
Welcome listeners
In this episode we will be reviewing and test driving two exciting apps.
Digitalis – CPD and appraisal app developed by Dr Nick Harvey is a GP partner and trainer with the help of his team..
AliveCor – AF detection app and hardware
Mentioned in today’s episode
Host introductions
Dr Husain Gandhi, @DrGandalf52 ,
Dr Andy Foster, @DrAWFoster ,
Episode Sponsor:
HTN – Health Tech Newspaper, an innovative daily news and opinion website for the health tech network.
What have your hosts been up to since last episode?
Portfolio career survey conducted by GPDQ shout out…. , and survey link on portfolio working.
Digitalis review
What is the Digitalis App
- Continuing Professional Development (CPD) App for iOS & Android, allowing recording of CPD activity using your mobile phone . Synchronises with Clarity Appraisal Toolkit, , or export entries as .pdf file.
- Currently Free of Charge.
Who made it?
Dr Nick Harvey is a GP partner and trainer and his team
App features and observations discussed:
- Quickly add CPD entry, capture photos, documents, audio and video. Entries can be linked to CPD Curriculum and learning domains or PDP.
- Free text search of your entries
- Personalised my feed – Guidelines, HTN – our sponsor, BBC health news, Cochrane Database and many more. These can read and added directly to CPD
- Notification & Messages
- Share CPD activity, Ask questions, Link to other professionals, Ability to create and be a member of groups.
- Andy is very excited about groups. Can facilitate creation of virtual study groups, peer motivation and discovery of learning and useful information.
- Please join the eGPLearning Group!!!
- Perhaps Digitalis will be able to crack the doctor-doctor messaging app market by using CPD and appraisal prep as the killer feature?
- Ability to customise to your curriculum. RCGP curriculum available, but also other specialities and Royal Colleges Curriculums and other allied professionals such as nursing.
- Potential to create groups spanning primary and secondary care and to ask questions about cases and care.
Any potential downsides
- Links could be better
- Aesthetics – could be better – but not too bad…
We would love to interview Nick Harvey or one of the Digitalis team in for interview?
AliveCor Live Unboxing
What is AliveCor?
Kardia Device and companion app for detection of Atrial Fibrillation (AF).
Some CCGs have been providing these to GP surgeries to assist with detecting AF.
Cost: $99.99
Why would we be interested in detecting AF?
AF often produces no symptoms and can be present for long periods of time (months-years) before detection and treatment. AF increases the risk of serious conditions, particularly stroke and arrhythmias.
Let’s take a look
First impressions from Andy for us – live unboxing and demonstration
More considered impressions from Andy who has used in practice
Nicely packaged
Single sheet with 2 steps to work. VERY EASY TO USE.
Worked well and straight out of the box
Works on ANY phone or tablet device – does not require a locked down device
Can then record outcome manually in patient notes or export results as secure .pdf.
How would we use this in practice?
Quick screening of at risk patients, those where AF suspected, long term condition reviews, flu clinics?
Why you should get the flu jab by Abraham the pharmacist –
Thanks for listening
Download your certificate of engagement here:
Please connect with us and discuss any of the topics in today’s episode by…
eGPLearning Group on Digitalis app
@DrGandalf52 ,
@DrAWFoster ,
Next time on eGPLearning PodBlast we will be taking a look at the upcoming NHS app.
Technology-enhanced primary care & learning
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