To all my fellow GPs in the Derby and Nottinghamshire area, you may have received electoral papers for the local GPC representative election, I have put myself forward as a candidate.
Many of you know I have a passion for supporting my peers and am keen to push forward GP supportive primary care. You may have seen me at regional meetings where I often challenge under-resourced work to primary care or champion effective services for primary care and it’s patients.
More likely you may have heard of me in my roles as former Chair of the RCGP Vale of Trent faculty, Treasurer of the GPSurvival– a group which is campaigning on behalf of grassroots GPs with over 7000 GP members , and locally in campaigning against NHS Property services exceptional charges to the practice I have worked in for over 5 years as a partner in inner-city Nottingham at Wellspring Surgery.
As GPC representative for Derby and Nottinghamshire I would commit to:
1. Gather the region-wide opinion on key matters as they arise and meeting agenda items affecting grassroots GPs- partners and sessional.
2. Communicate rapidly the outcomes of the above meetings and respond to all comments.
3. Challenge efforts to push unfunded /under-resourced work to the jobbing GP
4. Remain a ‘coal-face’ GP with up to date declaration of interests. (other roles include owner of, S1 Facebook User Group (FBUG) and engagement in other GP based social media groups, RCGP faculty rep to RCGP PRC committee, and trainer rep to the HEE Primary care board)
There has not been a Nottingham based representative for over 15 years. I am a young and passionate GP with experience of medico-political work on both a regional and national level and keen to support and represent my fellow peers in the work that the GPC does. This includes with relating to patients such as in my recent information work as per this video on understanding why attending GP appointments are like catching a train.
I am keen to discuss any concerns or questions you may have and simply ask to read my statement when you vote. Challenge me if you feel I need to be, support me if you feel I can be representative of you.
Dr Hussain Gandhi
Wellspring Surgery