InnovAiT Autumn Podcast 2019– Portfolios, curriculums, PCNs and more
Welcome AiTs to the autumn InnovAiT podcast. I am Dr Hussain ‘DrGandalf’ Gandhi.
In this episode, we cover recent editions of the InnovAiT journal and cover relevant topics to help with your training. This includes a discussion with Steve Walter about the new GP curriculum and how to get the most out of your training with this key resource both as a trainee and a trainer, next we talk to Jonathan Rial and AiT committee member Ebrahim Mulla about the new changes to the eportfolio and how this will impact you by next summer, and finally an inspirational discussion with Dr Katie de Wit – a PCN clinical director and fellow AiT.
The September edition is a gastroenterology-focussed one including the management of IBS by Dr Mattherw Sutcliffe, a deep dive article into ulcerative colitis in primary care by Charlie Andrews and a framework on managing abnormal LFTs. Check out cramers corner as it looks at the new prescribing assessment tool as part of the workplace-based assessment.
In this section, I speak with Dr Steve Walter about the changes to the RCGP curriculum and how this will impact trainees. We discuss the new format, new forms of assessment, how much the new curriculum addresses the new contract, digital consultations, clinician supervision and how to complete your work based place assessments easily.
Links to the curriculum documents are available here.
In the October edition which is an aspirational edition, with articles looking at the future of general practice with integrated care and policy entrepreneurship, the doctor’s communication handbook, managing complaints – and oneself, and an article on climate change by former president Terry Kemple. This is punctuated by the worldwide protests on 20.9.19 and the RCGP Council meeting on the same day which agreed to explore the prospect of a climate emergency and how general practice can respond.
The trainee eportfolio is now officially due for a major update with transfer to a new provider by Fourteen Fish. I speak with Dr Jonathan Rial and Dr Ebrahim Mulla, as we talk about the new changes to the eportfolio that will impact every trainee and trainer.
We discuss the origin of the eportfolio, why changes are needed and the improvements that each user will see, In addition, Ebrahim presents several questions from fellow AiTs:
This includes questions from:
Rebecca Ward in Cambridge: How will our current eportfolio records be transferred across to the new eportfolio?
Anna Williams from Leicester: Will there be a broader range of CPD activity or learning log types we can use to enter information with?
Lydia in Chesterfield: Will the MSF process work more effectively and easier?
We discuss new ways to use the eportfolio by adding learning logs and ways to make entries. Also a commitment to work closely with the AiT committee on development and enable rapid modifications to the eportfolio.
Features planned:
● Support with logging entries including app and offline access and email support for adding log entries.
● Artificial intelligence to help you exclude patient identifiable information.
● Customisable notifications to help you track and complete your learning and PDPs.
Contact Jonathan via Twitter at @jonrial and Ebrahim at @EbMulla
The November edition tackles challenging areas such as addition with both heroin and benzodiazepines – a key curriculum area to tick off. Speaking of which see the article by Liz Densley on understanding GP practice accounts. This is valuable for any AiT (and many established GPs) as an often neglected area of the curriculum and not a topic to be missed.
Primary care networks are the new unit of care and already likely having an impact in your area. But what’s it like being a director? Many may feel it is not a role they can do till they have some years under their belt working in primary care, well I talk to Dr Katie de Witt a PCN clinical director and current ST3 trainee in Cambridgeshire. Hear her amazing journey as we talk all things PCN. This includes talking about NextGenGP which we discussed in details with Dr Nishma Manek in the spring episode of the InnovAiT podcast.
Contact Katie at [email protected]
Make sure you subscribe to get all future episodes of the InnovAiT podcast and for any feedback on this particular episode contact Dr Hussain ‘DrGandalf’ Gandhi via twitter on @drgandalf52
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