
RCGP Council pre-meeting 22.2.19 representation

Hi all. RCGP National council meeting is 22.2.19. PLEASE READ THE POST IN FULL to make collation easier.
Please respond on the Facebook page post here, YouTube post here or via twitter at @drgandalf52.

To help me represent you fully please let me know your thoughts on the following topics:
1. Aside from a reduction in fees (as it is obvious), what would make you remain as a member of the RCGP (if thinking of leaving) or rejoin if you have left?
2. What are your views on the process of the RCGP elections to the president and national representative positions which are voted by a member ballot?
3. What are your views on the chair of RCGP council elections which is voted internally by National Council (akin to a party leader election)?
4. How should the RCGP support GPs with workload issues?
5. What is your view on the final partnership review?
6. Would you prefer for CPD to be delivered by RCGP central/website or via your local faculty?
7. How can the RCGP restore the status and attractiveness of general practice as a career?
8. What are your thoughts on the Re-thinking medicine paper ( and initiative ( Is this something your college should continue supporting?
9. What is the most valuable RCGP CPD/educational resource to you as a member currently?
10. How can the RCGP improve the interface between primary, secondary and social care?
11. Which organisations would you want or NOT want to see the RCGP collaborate or partner with to deliver higher quality CPD for its members?

Please be clear, critical (but polite) in your responses so I can represent you all. There is a limit to what information I can offer in return but I will be as transparent as I can. Happy to take responses privately.

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