Teaching feedback

Protected: Red eye

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The blogosphere reality

I would like to start this with an apology. Sorry. I apologize for the grammar and literary ‘faux pas’ made in earlier posts. My attention was brought to the stark reality of some of my posts, and as a result, these ramblings of mine will be changing. A few people pointed out to me that I should blog more about what […]

Teaching feedback

Protected: Renal cases : Medical students

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Teaching feedback

Protected: Gastro Cases : Medical Students

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The senior insurrection

Last week I took a brief look at the way OSCEs, as part of the examination process can cause significant stress and strain to and individual aiming to become a doctor. This week I wanted to raise an issue that has set the doctor forums on fire for the past week. At this point I […]

Teaching feedback

Protected: Skin – Eczema and psoriasis

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Teaching feedback

Protected: Respiratory cases : medical students

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The O.S.C.E /(CSA) solution

I shudder at the mere thought of writing this post. The objective structured clinical examination or OSCE, is a phrase/abbreviation that will send chills down the spine of even the most hardened medic. Additionally now as GPs, we must complete the clinical skills assessment (CSA),  in essence an OSCE before we can now complete our training […]

Teaching feedback

Protected: ECG teaching : medical students

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The care-home classification: part deux

The other week in The care-home classification: part one,  I attempted to classify the variety of care homes that populate our fair and green land. That classification was in respect to its function. However in terms of experience , I also mentioned that such care homes can easily be ranked in terms of suitability, appearance and functional ability to offer the care […]